Monday 28 December 2020

Turmeric: The incredible spice that may help gut health, arthritis and anxiety


Source: Getty

Turmeric has become a common kitchen item in recent years but, it was a popular health food in many Eastern countries long before it was launched into the spotlight by trendy cafes in Australia, and many studies have proved it can actually help to improve a person’s health and wellbeing – particularly when it relates to chronic conditions.

According to one study, published in the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, the high levels of curcumin the spice contains have shown to assist with everything from arthritis and anxiety, to muscle soreness and inflammation. But, it can also have positive effects on those who don’t have any major health concerns, including improving mood and memory.

“Research suggests that curcumin can help in the management of oxidative and inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, anxiety and hyperlipidaemia,” the study read. “It may also help in the management of exercise-induced inflammation and muscle soreness, thus enhancing recovery and subsequent performance in active people. In addition, a relatively low dose can provide health benefits for people that don’t have diagnosed health conditions.”

Meanwhile, a separate study undertaken by University of Tasmania researchers found taking two turmeric capsules a day reduced pain in those suffering from osteoarthritis in their knee and they were able to take less pain killers throughout the day than those who weren’t consuming the turmeric capsule.

If this has you convinced and you’re eager to jump on the turmeric bandwagon, whether it be for arthritis, gut issues or just to improve your overall health and wellbeing, you can find a range of new turmeric-based products on the Sassy Marketplace.

The Joint Relief capsules are scientifically formulated, tested and proven to help with inflammation, oxidation and pain relief associated arthritis. The capsules contain not only a strong percentage of turmeric, but black pepper which helps to increase the body’s ability to absorb the good-for-you extract.

Meanwhile, for those struggling with gut health issues, the Debloating Tea could be the perfect option. It contains ingredient turmeric, but also ginger, liquorice, peppermint, marshmallow root and black pepper, and as the name suggests it’s made to help ease bloating discomfort and soothe gastrointestinal troubles.

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