Sunday 23 September 2018

Arthritis: Five lesser known types of the painful joint condition


ARTHRITIS causes pain, inflammation and stiffness of certain joints. The most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, but there are also other types. Watch out for these five, lesser known types of the painful joint condition.

Arthritis is a common joint problem affecting around 10 million people in the UK.
The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Osteoarthritis affects the large majority of arthritis sufferers, at around eight million people, while rheumatoid arthritis affects over 400,000 people.
Osteoarthritis mostly affects the hands, spine, knees and hips. It roughens and thins out the cartilage lining of joints, causing swelling and the formation of bony spurs called osteophytes.

Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the immune system targets joints, causing swelling and a change in the joint’s shape.
Here are five other, lesser known types of arthritis.

Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition causing widespread pain all over the body.
Pain affects the body’s muscles, ligaments and tendons, and may also lead to muscle stiffness.

Lupus is an autoimmune condition causing inflammation to the organs and body’s tissues, such as the skin.
It causes joint pain and stiffness, as well as skin rashes.

Gout is caused by too much uric acid in the body, which can be left in joints causing pain, redness and swelling.
It usually affects the big toe, but can develop in any joint.

The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis (Image: Getty Images)

Psoriatic arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory joint condition affecting people with psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin.

Enteropathic arthritis
Enteropathic arthritis is a form of chronic, inflammatory arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease.
The most common affected areas are the limbs and spine.
“The symptoms of arthritis you experience will vary depending on the type you have,” said the NHS.
“This is why it's important to have an accurate diagnosis if you have: joint pain, tenderness and stiffness; inflammation in and around the joints; restricted movement of the joints; warm, red skin over the affected joint; weakness and muscle wasting.”

Monday 17 September 2018

Learning to live with arthritis


We do not know what causes some diseases. These are known as idiopathic diseases, from the Greek idios – ‘one’s own’ – and pathos – ‘suffering’.
Very often the words ‘primary’, ‘agnogenic’ or ‘cryptogenic’ are used in clinical notes to describe a disease the cause of which, or its progression, is not known. There are many diseases that have unknown causes. Unfortunately, one of the main diseases of older age, arthritis, remains idiopathic.
In 2013, approximately one in five US adults reported some form of disability, and the most frequently reported disability related to mobility – not being able to move around or to do things for yourself. A third of all mobility issues are caused by arthritis and back and spine problems. Although being the main cause of disability among older adults, very little is known about this disease.
Even though most older people suffer from arthritis – which results in swelling, pain, stiffness and reduced motion – the majority live with it without much interest from outside.

Being a disease that causes inflammation and attacks the joints, arthritis is more than just one disease. There are some 63 different types of conditions all lumped together under arthritis. Some of these diseases are known independently, such as bursitis, fibromyalgia, gout, inflammatory bowel disease, lupus, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, Paget’s, rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthritis.
We know more about some of these specific diseases than others, but we do not know what causes them. We see great variance of these diseases by geography, education, income, marital status and gender. More women than men have arthritis and generally the disease becomes increasingly more common in older age.

Arthritis is more than just one disease. There are some 63 different types of conditions all lumped together under arthritis. Photo:

Although diet can be a primary contender, especially for some diseases such as gout, there are some people who cannot control their arthritis through diet.
With other types of arthritis, we see a genetic relationship, as with spondyloarthritis, having identified 50 genetic mutations related to this disease – although there are other causes that are unclear. Some suggest infections. Especially for infectious arthritis, where a bacterium, virus or fungus enters the joints and triggers inflammation.

There can be many causes of arthritis, maybe even all of these causes combined. This makes the cause of the disease particularly difficult to determine and more difficult to manage. Symptoms of the disease are also variable.

Symptoms may come and go and they can be of different intensity and for different periods of time. However, severe arthritis can be debilitating. The constant pain might result in the inability to do daily chores, climb stairs or even walk.
Arthritis can also cause permanent joint damage. We can see some of these changes, while others remain hidden. These hidden changes can damage the joints but also the eyes, kidneys, heart and lungs.
Osteoarthritis, being the most common of the arthritis group, causes great pain. Where the joints meet, the bones have a polished soft surface called a cartilage. In osteoarthritis this cartilage wears down. This results in the two bones rubbing against each other.

The pain causes the body to protect itself by reducing the friction the only way it knows, by causing swelling and stiffness. This protective function, however, has negative consequences. Over time, joints can lose strength and pain may become chronic. The disease can be controlled in most cases by staying active, maintaining a healthy weight and by avoiding injury and repetitive movements.
Kate Lorig, a retired professor from Stanford University, developed a programme to help with controlling arthritis. The programme focuses on managing and not curing the disease. Most of the exercises are designed to reduce pain and improve mobility, using methods to reduce negative emotions such as anger, fear and depression through relaxation, visualisation, distraction and self-talk.

Exercises to ease the pain and increase movement include gentle circular movements. Some of the medications, both (cortico) steroid, as well as non-steroid drugs, can be useful, but all have some complications. Steroids work by reducing the inflammation, but they also have some negative side effects, including difficulty sleeping, blurred vison, weight gain and muscle weakness.

At the end of the day, we need to learn to live with the disease, taking pain medication when necessary, staying as active as possible without causing stress to the body, keeping our weight at an optimum to reduce the stress on the body and perhaps, most importantly, keeping a positive disposition.
A tall order. But arthritis is a long-term disease that will not be cured. Learning to live with it will save a lot of anxiety. Arthritis may have unknown origins but at least if we continue learning how to manage it, perhaps one day it will stop being idiopathic.

Mario Garrett was born in Malta and is currently a professor of gerontology at San Diego State University in California, US.

Saturday 15 September 2018

3 Ailments Usually Mistaken As Arthritis - Neuritis, Rheumatics, Rheumatism

By Andy G

This inflammation of the nerves is a common and painful condition which may affect any part of the body, particularly that area which is most involved in your daily labour. Nerve cells are sensitive to a lack of Vitamin B-1 and the increase of consumption of this essential matter (provided for in the Fountain of Youth Cocktail) frequently is all the treatment needed for neuritis.
Unlike arthritis, neuritis is not caused by infection. And unlike rheumatism, neuritis does not confine itself to joint areas, its home lying anywhere throughout the body's nervous system. It is now widely realized that neuritis is frequently induced through worry, fear and despair. This is another instance of the inseparable relationship between body and mind. The treatment for neuritis may therefore begin with a better understanding of the individual and his place in Nature's pattern.

Chronic rheumatism can be said to have caused more human misery than all the wars fought since the beginning of time. Only a person who has had his body racked with the pain of chronic rheumatics can truly understand the truth of this statement. The dull throbbing pain that lingers day and night, intensifying during periods of cold and damp, is a mortal enemy of man and a direct product of modern man's flight from nature. Improper diet, lack of sufficient sunlight and a body that has not been hardened by Nature's agents are largely responsible for rheumatic conditions.
It is necessary to distinguish acute rheumatics or rheumatic fever from the more common ailment known as chronic rheumatism or simply, rheumatism. While rheumatic fever may cause chronic rheumatism, it is by no means the sole cause. The pain of rheumatism comes without fever and the affected joints need show no outward sign of the ailment, but are generally cold and stiff.

Rheumatism is apparently among the most deeply rooted of all human ailments. I have never seen a case of chronic rheumatism placed on the road to recovery in less than three months. And this only with the most stringent care and self-control on the part of the patient. But those months were well spent, as anyone who has been relieved of the pains of rheumatism can attest.
N. S. was a successful farmer in his mid-fifties suffering from chronic rheumatism. The pain of his ailment had forced him to give up all but supervisory work upon his farm, and this after nearly forty years of constant and agreeable work. The discontinuance of his life's work was as much a mishap for N. S. as the pain that had caused it, for he was a man devoted to his work. Retirement at his age would not only have been wasteful and difficult for him, it would have meant an early death for a man of his vigorous and enthusiastic existence.
First step in assisting N. S. was taken at the dinner table. He was placed upon a light and completely non-stimulating diet. All spices were removed and pork was strictly forbidden. Special attention was placed upon an increased consumption of green leafy vegetables and tobacco, coffee and tea were removed from the patient's living habits.
Sun-bathing, particularly the bathing of the affected areas, was prescribed. Steam baths were a daily requirement followed by a brisk wet rub of the entire body (never permitting the over-heated body to become too quickly cooled). The full pack was applied whenever pain was severe and the patient was permitted to remain within the pack for two hours. Following this and a thorough drying of the body, affusions were applied. The sensitive areas of N. S.'s body could not withstand the pain of direct affusion, and therefore the jets were applied in an area immediately surrounding the centre of pain.
Zone therapy was partially successful in alleviating the patient's pa ip and was applied quite simply. A steel comb was held by the patient in that hand corresponding to the side of his body in pain. By clenching his fist so that the teeth of the comb bit deeply into the palm of his hand and holding this position, N. S. was able to overcome his pain on repeated occasions.
Air-baths and frequent wet rubs were largely responsible for hardening the patient's body to the effects of changing temperature, so often the immediate cause of rheumatic pain. But only the combination of all these was able, after three months, to bring total relief to N. S. My last view of him came several years ago as I drove away from his New Jersey farm. There, standing upon the floor of his barn, Farmer N. S. was effortlessly pitching large pitchforks full of hay high into the hay loft of the barn. I would call that complete recovery.

This condition is frequently mistaken for arthritis, since, like the latter, rheumatism settles in the joint areas of the body, producing great pain and discomfort. Unlike arthritis, rheumatism is not accompanied by some body infection. Many years ago it was recognized that rheumatic conditions frequently appear for the first time during the winter or early spring. Further research indicated that during these months the consumption of citrus fruits and fresh salad vegetables was at a critical low level among many people. In this way, the first knowledge of a link between rheumatism and Vitamin C deficiency was come upon.
The rational diet can prevent rheumatism. However, the correction of this condition is more involved. Once rheumatism has appeared, the programme for alleviation of this condition involves increased consumption of Vitamin C (provided in the Fountain of Youth Cocktail as described in "Your Daily Routine For Better Health" in my website). Nightly warm natural baths (8o°) and warm compresses (heating pad) will stem the pain almost instantly. Sun-bathing is particularly favourable in rheumatic conditions.,-Rheumatics,-Rheumatism&id=9992570

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Seven exercises for shoulder arthritis


Arthritis can affect any joint in the body, including the shoulder joints. Performing specific exercises on a regular basis can help relieve the symptoms of arthritis, which include pain and swelling.

Arthritis causes flares of inflammation in the joints, leading to pain and stiffness. These symptoms can have a significant impact on how much mobility people have in the affected joints.
As a result, arthritis tends to make it more challenging to exercise. However, keeping the joints active can have a powerful effect on the severity of arthritis symptoms.

The types of arthritis that commonly affect the shoulder include rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis.
In this article, we look at exercises that may reduce the damage that arthritis does to the shoulder joints and help people manage pain.

Seven exercises for shoulder arthritis

The most beneficial types of exercise for arthritis include:
  • range-of-motion and flexibility exercises, such as stretches, which reduce stiffness
  • strength exercises that build muscle mass around the joints, which reduces the strain on them
  • aerobic activities, such as walking, swimming, and cycling, as these improve heart, lung, and muscle function
The following exercises should stretch and strengthen the muscles around the shoulder joint:

1. Shoulder elevation stretch

This exercise improves the range of motion in the shoulder joints and stretches the muscles. Doing this exercise regularly should facilitate daily activities, such as reaching for items on shelves. To do this exercise:
  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Hold a broom handle or walking stick with both hands, keeping them shoulder-width apart.
  3. Place the handle or stick gently on the thighs.
  4. Slowly raise the pole up past the chest, then over the head so that it is almost touching the floor above the head. Keep the arms as straight as possible throughout.
  5. Lower the handle or stick slowly back down to the thighs.
  6. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions once a day.
You should feel a gentle stretch in the shoulders, back, and chest as the arms move overhead.

2. Shoulder outward rotation stretch

This exercise also requires a broom handle or walking stick. It improves the flexibility in the shoulder joints. Follow the steps below:
  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Keeping the upper arms by your sides, bend your elbows and hold the stick out above the chest with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  3. Slowly move the pole to the left until you feel a stretch in the left shoulder.
  4. Return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat on the right side of the body.
  6. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions once a day.

3. Shoulder blade rotations

This rotation stretches the shoulders to promote increased range of movement. To do this exercise:
  1. Stand in a neutral position with your hands at your sides.
  2. Raise your shoulders towards your ears and hold for 5 seconds.
  3. Gently squeeze the shoulder blades together and hold for 5 seconds.
  4. Pull the shoulder blades downward and hold for 5 seconds.
  5. Repeat 10 times.

4. Pendulum exercise

The pendulum exercise helps relieve pain and relax the shoulder muscles. It involves the following series of movements:
  1. Bend forward and rest a hand on top of a chair or counter for support and balance. Use the arm that is less sore to do this.
  2. Allow the other hand to hang down.
  3. Using motion from the legs and hips, gently swing the hanging hand back and forth and side to side in a circular motion.
  4. Repeat this 30 times in each direction once a day.

5. Door lean

The door lean can help stretch the muscles in the shoulders and improve resistance in the joints. Perform the exercise as follows:
  1. Stand facing toward a doorway and raise both hands above your head.
  2. Place one hand on either side of the doorframe.
  3. Gently lean forward until you feel a comfortable tension in your shoulders.
  4. Hold this position for 15–30 seconds.
  5. Repeat 3 times.

6. Door presses

Door press exercises can help build strength in the shoulder joints. To do these exercises:
  1. Stand in a doorway and bend one elbow into a right angle with the thumb on that hand pointing toward the ceiling.
  2. Press the back of your wrist into the doorframe.
  3. Hold for 5 seconds.
  4. Repeat with the palm of your hand, using the other side of the doorframe.
  5. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each side.

7. Strengthen the postural muscles

Strengthening the postural muscles will improve overall posture, allowing the shoulders to move more easily in all directions. These exercises require an exercise band, which it is possible to buy in a sporting goods store or online.
To do these exercises:
  1. Stand straight with your shoulders back.
  2. Loop the exercise band behind a solid, vertical object and hold one end in either hand.
  3. Relax your shoulders and bend your elbows at your sides.
  4. Pull your elbows backward while squeezing the shoulder blades together. If the exercise band does not provide any resistance, take a step back or loop the ends of the bands around your hands.
  5. Hold for 5 seconds.
  6. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions once a day.
Tips for safety

Arthritis can make exercising more challenging, so be sure to exercise with care to avoid injury. Follow these tips to stay safe when exercising with arthritis.
Warm up before doing any exercise to stimulate blood flow around the body. A warmup might include a brisk 10-minute walk or another light aerobic activity.
It should be possible to feel a stretch in the shoulders when doing these exercises, but they should not be painful. If a particular motion hurts, stop doing it right away. If the pain persists for several hours after the exercise, it may be necessary to see a doctor.
If the exercises cause any swelling in the shoulders, use an ice pack to reduce inflammation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can also be beneficial.

What to avoid

It is crucial to avoid doing exercises that strain the shoulder muscles or put excessive pressure on them, as this can result in injury.
Certain stretches may be painful or uncomfortable for some people and not others, so it is vital to always listen to your body during exercise.
For some people, shoulder exercises such as push-ups or lifting heavy weights can be too intense for the shoulder joints. However, light exercise is necessary to build up the shoulder muscles.
Aerobic exercise is also essential for physical health and mental well-being. People with severe symptoms could try gentle alternatives to regular forms of exercise, for example, replacing swimming with water therapy. This form of exercise offers many of the same benefits as swimming but places less pressure on the shoulders.
Some people with milder symptoms may be able to continue with traditional forms of aerobic exercise.
The most appropriate type or frequency of exercise will vary from person to person. It depends on the severity of the person's arthritis symptoms and other factors, such as the amount of muscle surrounding the affected joints.
A physical therapist should be able to work with an individual to create a tailored exercise plan for them and explain any specific types of exercise that they should avoid.


The outlook for arthritis in the shoulder joints is variable. In the early stages of the condition, symptoms are generally mild and do not have a significant impact on the range of motion.
When arthritis is more advanced, people may experience severe pain and reduced movement in the affected shoulder joints.
Regular exercise will keep the shoulder joints active, which can have a noticeable impact on reducing pain and improving the range of motion in this area of the body. People should exercise with care to avoid further damaging the joints or surrounding tissues.

Saturday 8 September 2018

Arthritis: Six hand exercises to relieve painful joints and reduce inflammation


ARTHRITIS can cause a lot of pain and inflammation to the affected joints, but moving and exercising the arthritic areas can help to relieve the symptoms. Follow these six exercises to help treat the pain and stiffness.

If you have arthritis of the hands, fingers or wrists, the following exercises could be beneficial to help you move the joints normally and safely.
You should start by repeating each exercise five times, three times a day. Add an extra one or two repetitions every few days if you feel comfortable.
Make sure you stop the exercises if they make your symptoms worse or cause new pain. The recommendations came from the NHS.

Clenched wrist bend
Rest the side of your hand on a table, and with your hand loosely clenched, bend your wrist and fingers towards you. Hold for two seconds before bending them back to the start position.

Side to side wrist bend
Rest your palm on a table and keep your fingers and wrist straight. Bend your wrist as far left as is comfortable. Hold for two seconds, then bend your wrist back to the centre.
Then repeat the exercise, but to the right.

              Hand exercises can help to relieve symptoms of arthritis (Image: Getty Images)

Hand turn
Rest your palm on a table, keep your fingers and wrist straight, and turn your palm up as far as is comfortable. Hold for two seconds before turning your palm back to the centre.

Hand clench
Rest the side of your hand on a table, keeping your fingers and wrist straight. Clench your hand into a loose fist, hold for two seconds, unclench and straighten your fingers.

Finger curl
With your palm facing you and your hand loosely clenched, slowly uncurl your fingers until they are fully extended. Hold for two seconds before curling them back into a loose fist

Finger and thumb touch
With your palm facing you and your hand relaxed and open, touch your thumb to each finger in turn. Then reverse the order.

According to the NHS, you should aim to do exercises every day, even when your hands are not painful or stiff.
If your hands are red, hot, swollen and more painful, you may be experiencing a flare-up. You should still do the exercises but reduce the number of repetitions and length of hold.
“It is common to experience mild aching following exercise. If you find this continues for more than two hours after completing the exercises you should reduce the length of hold and number of repetitions next time,” advises the NHS.
“If you continue to experience any problems stop doing the exercises.”

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Experts Reveal the Sleep-Enhancing Tricks for Arthritis Sufferers


There are other measures arthritis sufferers can resort to such as the use of joint health-enhancing supplements like glucosamine.
( -- September 4, 2018) Orlando, FL -- Individuals who suffer from osteoarthritis do not just suffer from pain, but are also more likely to be unable to get some decent sleep. The good news is that there are actually some remedies believed to be helpful for sufferers who want to achieve good quality sleep.
Experts reveal the sleep-enhancing tricks for arthritis sufferers. According to rheumatologists, joint pain linked with the condition is a major reason why many arthritis sufferers are unable to get good sleep on a daily basis.
According to researchers, at least half of the numbers of osteoarthritis sufferers find it difficult to fall or stay asleep at night. Some research studies even reveal that individuals with hip and knee osteoarthritis are more prone to insomnia as well as daytime sleepiness than those without the condition.
It is normally the pain that keeps arthritis sufferers from getting some decent sleep. However, it is best to take into account the possibility that insomnia could also be causing OA pain, which means these two conditions simply coexist.
In 2012, a study published in the SLEEP journal determined the sleep quality of individuals who suffer from chronic pain, which includes those with osteoarthritis. It was found that the amount of pain sufferers feel before going to bed had little to do with how well they are able to sleep.
The researchers further found that the sleep quality predicted the amount of pain they were in the next day.
According to experts, arthritis sufferers who have trouble getting some sleep should make sure that they avoid eating a heavy meal before bed. They should also not consume caffeinated beverages or alcoholic drinks before bedtime.
It would be helpful to not watch TV inside the bedroom, and make sure that the bedroom is conducive for sleeping. This means it should be quiet, cool, and dark. Individuals who still end up being unable to sleep are advised to speak with their healthcare provider about cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).
In 2013, a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, it has been reported that CBT successfully decreased insomnia as well as improved sleep efficiency in older adults suffering from osteoarthritis.
There are other measures arthritis sufferers can resort to such as the use of joint health-enhancing supplements like glucosamine. This natural remedy has been thought to be a safer alternative to pain medications, whose use has been linked with side effects.