Wednesday 5 September 2018

Experts Reveal the Sleep-Enhancing Tricks for Arthritis Sufferers


There are other measures arthritis sufferers can resort to such as the use of joint health-enhancing supplements like glucosamine.
( -- September 4, 2018) Orlando, FL -- Individuals who suffer from osteoarthritis do not just suffer from pain, but are also more likely to be unable to get some decent sleep. The good news is that there are actually some remedies believed to be helpful for sufferers who want to achieve good quality sleep.
Experts reveal the sleep-enhancing tricks for arthritis sufferers. According to rheumatologists, joint pain linked with the condition is a major reason why many arthritis sufferers are unable to get good sleep on a daily basis.
According to researchers, at least half of the numbers of osteoarthritis sufferers find it difficult to fall or stay asleep at night. Some research studies even reveal that individuals with hip and knee osteoarthritis are more prone to insomnia as well as daytime sleepiness than those without the condition.
It is normally the pain that keeps arthritis sufferers from getting some decent sleep. However, it is best to take into account the possibility that insomnia could also be causing OA pain, which means these two conditions simply coexist.
In 2012, a study published in the SLEEP journal determined the sleep quality of individuals who suffer from chronic pain, which includes those with osteoarthritis. It was found that the amount of pain sufferers feel before going to bed had little to do with how well they are able to sleep.
The researchers further found that the sleep quality predicted the amount of pain they were in the next day.
According to experts, arthritis sufferers who have trouble getting some sleep should make sure that they avoid eating a heavy meal before bed. They should also not consume caffeinated beverages or alcoholic drinks before bedtime.
It would be helpful to not watch TV inside the bedroom, and make sure that the bedroom is conducive for sleeping. This means it should be quiet, cool, and dark. Individuals who still end up being unable to sleep are advised to speak with their healthcare provider about cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).
In 2013, a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, it has been reported that CBT successfully decreased insomnia as well as improved sleep efficiency in older adults suffering from osteoarthritis.
There are other measures arthritis sufferers can resort to such as the use of joint health-enhancing supplements like glucosamine. This natural remedy has been thought to be a safer alternative to pain medications, whose use has been linked with side effects.

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