1. Fatty Fish

“Fatty such as mackerel, sardines, salmon, herring and trout are packed with omega-3 fatty acids.  Even just two servings of fish per week may assist in the alleviation of joint pain.”

2. Green Tea
“Drinking a hot or cold green tea at least once per day will really help alleviate joint pain and reduce inflammation. It’s important to drink tea using tea bags, rather than the powdered tea mixes. Tea bags are generally more natural and less processed. You probably also want to skip the decaffeinated version, which lacks some vital nutrients.”

3. Olive Oil

“Olive oil is known to have strong anti-inflammatory properties. It contains oleocanthal, which impedes the creation of enzymes involved in inflammation,” Howell said.

4. Garlic

“Garlic also has anti-inflammatory effects.  For sufferers of arthritis, adding garlic to your diet could do wonders for your health. One study of over one thousand twins found that those who ate high amounts of garlic had a reduced risk of osteoarthritis compared to their twin.”

5. Oranges

“Oranges contain Vitamin C and Vitamin C contains collagen, which cushions joints as they move. Vitamin C has also been found to be able to reduce the symptoms of colds and flu to just a day and a half.”
