Saturday 11 February 2017

Beat Arthritis by checking your teeth


Gum/tooth disease is a common complaint that comes with aging, which is the reason many elderly people lose their natural teeth with age. One thing many physicians and their patients are yet to realize is that tooth/gum trouble is a symptom of a much more serious health challenge. Pain in the joints is a well known symptom of Rheumatoid Arthritis, but a much less known fact is the relationship between arthritis and gum/tooth troubles. Physician/researcher Al Sears points this out when he says, “But one problem with modern medicine is that specialists often miss the bigger picture. Every part of your body is biologically connected. And what’s going on in your mouth can reveal a lot about your health.”
New research studies published in the Nature Reviews Rheumatology journal provide evidence to corroborate Sear’s theory. Sears states, “In a study published just a few weeks ago in the journal Nature Reviews Rheumatology, researchers followed 6,616 people for more than 10 years. They found that those who had moderate to severe gum disease had more than twice the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.”
Sears continues, “Other research suggests that clearing up gum disease could help prevent or treat Rheumatoid Arthritis. Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine found that people who were treated for gum disease had significantly more improvement in their Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms than those who were only treated for their Rheumatoid Arthritis.”
There are a lot of bacteria in your mouth, something like 100 billion bacteria. The bacteria form a sticky film called plaque that hardens into tartar. Plaque and tartar cause inflammation in your gums. If you have plaque and tartar build-up, your gums may bleed when you brush your teeth. But those bacteria can also travel around your body. And left unchecked, they can cause inflammation in other parts of your body, like in your joints.
The good news is that treating gum troubles could treat or prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis. The Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine study found that people who were treated for gum disease had significantly more improvement in their RA symptoms than those who were only treated for their Rheumatoid Arthritis. Sears continues, “Scientists found that one of the bacteria involved in Periodontitis may trigger a process called citrullination. Researchers who study this process believe it’s what sparks the immune system and drives the cascade of events that lead to Rheumatoid Arthritis.”
The secret of Healthy Teeth is therefore Healthy Joints. To prevent and treat your RA, simply take care of your teeth. Besides just brushing and flossing, do the following for healthy teeth AND joints:
  1. Coconut Oil Pulling. Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic detox practice. It pulls toxins out of teeth and gums. And the oil leaves a film on teeth to help prevent plaque and bacteria from sticking. It can reduce both plaque and gum disease in just seven days.
To do this, in the morning before eating or drinking anything, gently swish one tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and between your teeth for 10 to 20 minutes. Don’t swallow. Spit the used oil into the trash or a jar, not the sink. It will clog your plumbing. Rinse your mouth and brush your teeth as normal.
  1. Rinse Your Mouth With Aloe. Aloe Vera has 23 polypeptides that stimulate the immune system and fight infections. In a study in India, 345 healthy people used aloe mouthwash twice a day. After just four days, aloe stamped out plaque and gingivitis. It also significantly lowered bleeding and inflammation.

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