Monday 8 July 2024

One in five wrongly think joint pain is normal part of ageing


One in five people wrongly think joint pain is a normal part of ageing, even though exercise can help alleviate symptoms, research has shown.

A new survey of 8,000 people by Nuffield Health found that just 17 per cent of people living with joint pain were aware of what types of exercise could help them feel better. 

The survey findings also show that 80 per cent of British women, and 77 per cent of men have joint pain, with sufferers getting 40 minutes less sleep a night than people without problems.

Women are more likely to say the pain was bad enough to impact their sleep and affect their emotional wellbeing.

Nearly half of women (47 per cent) said their joint pain kept them up at night, compared with 37 per cent of men. Women are also 29 per cent more likely to be emotionally impacted by the pain than men.

‘Ignored for far too long’

Marc Holl, the head of primary care at Nuffield Health said: “Joint pain has been ignored for far too long, and our data show the shocking extent to which it is impacting the nation.

“It affects everything; working, sleeping, walking, exercising and even resting. When we look at the worrying numbers of people, and particularly women, such things are only going to get worse.”

A report by Versus Arthritis – The State of Musculoskeletal Health 2023 – estimates that more than 10 million people are currently living with osteoarthritis in the UK, while more than 20 million have a musculoskeletal (MSK) condition, which can affect the bones, joints, muscles and spine.

The organisation estimates that 11.6 million people with MSK conditions are women, compared with 8.7 million men.

It also said people from a deprived background are more likely to report arthritis or a long-term MSK condition.

Half of all people who responded to the survey with joint pain said their physical health had become worse in the last year, with 40 per cent reporting a decline in mental health.

What are the common types of arthritis?© Provided by The Telegraph

Nuffield Health is urging sufferers to sign up to its “Join in for Joint Pain” campaign, and have launched a free-to-access rehabilitation programme available across the UK.

Rachael Smith, 37, from Cannock, a former swimmer and gym regular whose joint pain got so bad she couldn’t lift her children and was taking strong painkillers daily, has already taken part in the scheme.

Since undertaking the 12-week programme, she has been discharged by her doctor and had another child, and can carry her children safely again.

“I have always been an active person, a regular at the gym and a competitive swimmer in my teenage years,” she said.

“After having three children, the pain in my back and joints stopped me from living my life, I stopped seeing friends and it got so bad I couldn’t even pick up my own children. The programme has meant I can manage my pain, understand what exercise I should be doing and know more about how diet can help improve my symptoms.”

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