Wednesday 25 November 2020

What are some of the best mattresses for arthritis?


Arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints, and it usually co-exists with pain. People may find that pain or discomfort can prevent them from falling asleep. Finding a suitable mattress that conforms to and supports the body to avoid excessive pressure on the joints may help facilitate a good night’s sleep

Sleep is vital for good health. However, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 3 people report not getting enough sleep. Research suggests that adults should get 7 or more hours of sleep per night.

However, pain from arthritis can make it difficult to get good quality sleep. Not getting enough sleep can make joint pain worse, which may make it even harder to sleep.

Finding an appropriate mattress may allow people with arthritis to achieve optimal sleep comfort and quality. It is also important for people to maintain their mattress’s quality and replace it when it begins to deteriorate. An old and uncomfortable mattress can adversely impact a person’s ability to sleep.

This article will discuss what people should look for in a mattress and suggest options for people with arthritis to consider.

A person with arthritis laying in bed that has one of the best mattresses for arthritis.

The term arthritis describes the disease of a joint. This differs from arthralgia, which describes pain in a joint. However, pain is a common symptom of arthritis.

Arthritis usually affects the joints, tissues surrounding joints, and other connective tissues. Arthritis typically involves pain, aching, stiffness, and swelling in and around one or more joints.

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 23% of adults in the United States have arthritis. Roughly 1 in 4 people with arthritis report having severe joint pain.

There are many different types of arthritis, and many are associated with sleep disturbances. For example, this includes:

  • osteoarthritis
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • psoriatic arthritis
  • gout
  • systemic lupus erythematosus

The Organization Versus Arthritis highlight the importance of a comfortable and supportive mattress. They state that a mattress should support the spine to prevent excessive pressure on the joints and that sleeping on an unsupportive mattress can contribute to joint pain.

According to the International Chiropractors Association, people should consider the following factors when choosing a suitable mattress:

  • Size: Individuals need to determine what mattress size will meet their needs.
  • Firmness: People get better sleep and have less morning stiffness when they sleep on a mattress that supports the shoulders, hips, and lower back while keeping the spine aligned.
  • Cushioning: Individuals need to determine the softness levels they seek in a mattress and what their temperature control needs are.
  • Durability: This is how long a mattress will provide its basic level of comfort and support.
  • Warranty: A quality mattress should have at least a 10-year warranty.

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