Tuesday 14 April 2020

9 Benefits of Agarwood Oud Oil

By Dong Wong

Agarwood was used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for the treatment of halitosis, pain, regulation of the vital organs, relive spasms and treat the digestive system. Besides, agarwood was considered a good means of easing chest tightness, reliving abdominal pain, asthma and diarrhoea. In this article, we are going to take a look at some common benefits of agarwood oil. Read on to know more.

1. Helps Attain Inner Peace
According to many people, agarwood oud oil can help you get inner peace as it can heal your emotional trauma. Some people claim that it has powerful harmonizing impact on your brain's electrical frequencies.

It's interesting to note that Tibetan monks used to apply this oil to boost their internal energy and induce mental tranquillity. Therefore, it was a common practice to use it in many spiritual traditions.

2. Alleviates Pain
Since it has anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic and analgesic properties, you can use it to get relief from pain and inflammation caused by arthritis and rheumatism. All you need to do is mix a few drops of the oil with a bit of coconut oil and then apply to the painful areas.

The good thing is that the diuretic qualities of the oil can promote urination so you can flush out uric acid and toxins from your body. And this way you can help reduce stiffness, swelling and pain. Besides, you can use a little bit of the liquid to sooth your muscles.

3. Supports the Digestive System
The stomachic, carminative and digestive properties of the oil can help with smooth digestion by preventing the formation of gas. If you have the gas problem, it can help you expel the gas from your stomach.

For this purpose, you can add a few drops of the oil with another type of carrier oud oil. Once the mixture is ready, you can apply it to the lower or upper of your abdomen based on where the pain is located. Since this solution can boost the production of digestive juices, you will enjoy better digestion and no bloating at all.

4. Helps reduce Bad Breath
According to researchers, Agarwood oud oil can be effectively used against many types of bacteria that may cause bad breath. Traditionally, it was used to fresh the breath.
To make the solution, you can add a little bit of peppermint aud oil and agarwood oud oil to half glass of water. Once ready, you can use the mixture to gargle. That's it.

5. Helps treat Breast Cancer
This oil is also popular for the anticancer properties it has. Therefore, it can help control the breast cancer cells. According to the reports, further research is required in order to find out if the oil can be used as an effective therapy for the treatment of cancer.

6. Helps Improve Skin Health
The anti-inflammatory properties of the extract can help treatment skin conditions that show symptoms, such as puffiness, irritation, and swelling. Since it can kill bacteria on your skin, you will find fewer spots on your skin.

As far as Ayurveda is concerned, the oil is a good choice to help treat a lot of skin disorders and diseases. A few drops of oil can be mixed with any lotion or skin care cream for good results.

7. Enhance Meditation
With this oil, you can enjoy better meditative practices. According to thousands of years of use in mediation, we can say that it can help enhance mediation. A few drops of this extract can be massaged on your acupuncture points or anoint chakra centres. Besides, the oud oil can be diffused in a good aromatherapy diffuser for powerful fragrance.

For deep inner peace, positive energy, awareness and emotion balancing, this extract can be an ideal choice. Plus, it can open the pineal gland and crown chakra.

8. Helps Regulate Menstruation
Agarwood oud oil has an impact on the hormones that regulate periods and boost menstruation. Besides, it can be a good choice for women who are about to reach the menopause.

Aside from this, balancing hormones helps reduce irritability, back pain, cramps, and breast tenderness. As a result, you can enjoy a much better quality of life. You can make a blend of one drop of the extract in a carrier oil of your choice. Once ready, you can apply the solution on your lower back and abdomen.

9. Helps Relieve Itching
Some conditions, such as poison oak, dermatitis, allergies and nerve disorders can cause itching and skin irritation. If you scratch your skin, your irritation may get worse. Therefore, applying some of this oil can be a better idea.

Long story short, these are some of the main benefits of using Agarwood oil. If you want to enjoy these benefits, you can buy this oil from your nearby store. Hope this helps.

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