Thursday 7 November 2019

Rheumatoid arthritis: 5 Beverages that can help relieve the pain


Rheumatic pain is at times unbearable and doesn't get better even with pain killers. However, few daily hacks may help in better pain management. Here's a list of 5 beverages that can be beneficial in relieving arthritis pain.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a severe inflammation of joint and tissues in which even a slight pressing may trigger pain. It’s an uncomfortable and painful condition in which even sleeping or sitting in one position may hurt as the joints and tissues get pressed. Usually, strong medicines are given to relieve the pain, but experts believe that lifestyle changes are important to lead a healthy life with rheumatoid arthritis. Apart from food, there are several drinks that have proven benefits against rheumatic pain. Regular consumption of these may give some relief from pain.

1  Turmeric milk: If you are not lactose intolerant, milk can be beneficial to relieve your arthritis pain. Dairy does have some anti-inflammatory properties. When mixed with turmeric, which is known for its healing and therapeutic effects, the impact of milk on joint pains is positive. So, unless you are not allergic to dairy, you may like to take a glass of turmeric milk at the bedtime.

2  Green tea: Green tea has anti-oxidants that helps attacking inflammation in body. It’s known to ‘target pro-inflammation protein’ says a study published in the journal Arthritis and Rheumatology. However, if you are taking blood thinner then you must consult with your doctor before having green tea. Vitamin K present in it may counterattack blood thinner’s effects.

3  Red Wine: Alcohol may not sound like a nice idea when suffering from rheumatic condition, but this drink prove otherwise. Resveratrol present in red wine has anti-inflammatory properties. Studies show that it may help in cutting risk factors contributing to the development of rheumatoid arthritis. However, if consumed in excess may aggravate the condition; make sure to have it in moderation.

4  Fruit and vegetable mix smoothie: Experts believe in the goodness of whole fruits and vegetables mixed together to make a smoothie over squeezing the fresh juice. The nutrients and anti-oxidants from both are better consumed in the form of a smoothie. So, if you have more patience and time, you may replace simple fresh juice with a smoothie.

5  Vitamin C-rich fresh juices: Vitamin C has helps in building better immunity and therefore, orange, pineapple, tomato juices can give relief from pain. These fruits have anti-oxidants to fight free radicals in body. So, if you are a slacker to cut and eat fruits, just juice these for your benefit.

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