Monday 10 June 2019

7 Ways to Relieve and Prevent Joint Pain


Joint pains are a common occurrence for elderly people. Joint pains can make it very hard to do your favourite activities,   making it hard to blend into fitness groups and carry out routine exercises.  If your joints feel stiff, you are not alone, because this is a common problem for people who suffer from joint inflammation and arthritis.

In the case of inflammation, inflammatory cells get to join the fluid to gather around joints causing swelling and stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that arises from the body’s inability to offer a proper immune response to joint pain tissue.

Here are seven ways to help relieve joint pain:

1. Eat healthy meals
Most of the joint pain problems we experience as we grow older is as a result of unhealthy eating right form teenage days.  Radically switching your diet to more healthy alternatives can be one of the best decisions you will ever make to relieve joint pain.  Purposefully incorporate anti-inflammatory meals or food items to your daily routine.  Ginger is very popular as an anti-inflammatory food source.
Soya bean is another popular anti-inflammatory food source.  There has been documented evidence of patients who stayed on a 3-month diet on soybean and cut their pain medications by half.

2. Tai chi to the rescue
Funny as it sounds, the ancient Chinese movement of meditation known as Tai Chi has a positive effect on mitigating the pains from joints. Over three-quarters of patients who practiced it on a regular basis reported marked improvement from osteoarthritis. Meditative tai chi movement and yoga have been shown to loosen joint tissue relax the muscle and relieve the pressure of stiffness.

3. Take anti-inflammatory drug doses
Motrin and Aleve are two of the most potent anti-inflammatory drugs out there. They’re very effective at reducing the painful condition of rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation of the joints.  Fortunately, they are available over-the-counter.  You will need a doctor’s prescription if you require something stronger.

Word of caution:  some anti-inflammatory drugs can cause inflammation and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract so it is wise to seek medical advice before using them.

4. Make use of Heat or Ice
Gently applying heat with a hot pad or cold pressing the affected joint area can provide short-term relief from joint pains. Some users find applying heat soothing because it increases blood circulation while others prefer the use of a cold press because it reduces swelling at the joint.

5 Make the switch two more healthy oils
More often than not the source of inflammation at the joint as a result of unhealthy fats and oils in our diet. Olive oil, canola oil and facet oil are some of the healthiest oils you can incorporate into your daily diet. Experts also suggest that you reduce the intake of food items that contain omega-6 fatty acids such as red meat and Poultry feed.
Aim to eat one or two servings per day of food items that contain Omega-3 fatty acids which is an anti-inflammatory fighting compound.  An example is cold water fish such as salmon.

6. Drop that excess fat
Being overweight places more pressure on the joint thereby increasing inflammation. If you are overweight and experiencing joint pain you will do yourself a lot of good by undertaking a weight loss program to shed that excess fat. In fact according to a study on arthritis and rheumatism losing as much as 10 to 15 pounds can cut down your risk of developing osteoarthritis.

Weight loss plans can last for as long as 3 months and will require that you make drastic changes to your eating habits in conjunction with an active lifestyle (exercises). To succeed and stay motivated on a weight loss program look for partners on the same goal as you. That way you can both challenge yourselves to success.

7. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is growing popular by the day in the medical field.  It has been employed in a lot of medical fields not only to relieve pain but on other areas by using ultra-fine needles.  These needles are punctured on specific areas of the body to relieve inflammation and the onset of severe pain.
I’m sure one or several of these pain-relieving options might have caught your eye. The solution to problematic joint pains is acting on treatment or healthy lifestyle consistently. Soon enough you will begin to notice some positive changes. Keep at it.

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