Tuesday 26 September 2017

Stay a Step Ahead of Foot and Ankle Pain

From statesmanjournal.com

Our feet support us-and we should support our feet. Since about 75% of people in the United States will experience foot pain of some type in their lives, it makes sense to be aware of some common problems and what you can do to live your life as pain free as possible. Drs. Kelly McCormick and Monica Zilkoski of Hope Orthopedics give some insight into two of the more common foot problems that can be corrected and/or managed through orthopedic treatment-Bunions and Foot and Ankle Arthritis.
Bunions typically happen overtime, and are more than just a bump on the side of the foot-a bunion is actually reflecting a change in foot anatomy. Bunions form when the toe is forced in toward the rest of the toes, causing a rubbing of the bone against the side of the shoe. This creates inflammation in the underlying tissue and forms the bump that grows into a bunion.
Treatment for a bunion:
If non-surgical treatments (like wearing proper fitting shoes or using custom orthotics) do not provide relief, surgical treatment can be used to correct the position of the toe and remove the bunion.
Good candidates for bunion surgery commonly have:
Significant foot pain that limits normal activity including standing for a period of time and walking
  • Inflammation and swelling that does not go away with rest or over the counter medications-such as ibuprofen
  • Toe deformity-the big toe moving in and “crowding” the other toes or appearing as if it may “cross over” the other toes
  • Inability to straighten or bend the big toe
  • Pain that doesn’t go away even after changing to proper fitting footwear
  • After bunion surgery, most patients have less foot pain and are better able to participate in everyday activities.
    Another very common condition in the foot and ankle, is arthritis. “Arthritis” means "joint inflammation, and is a general term for a group of more than 100 diseases. If you’re feeling pain and stiffness in your feet and ankles, it is likely caused by arthritis. There is no cure for arthritis, but there are many treatment options to control or slow the progression of the condition. Early detection and treatment are important, so if you think you may have arthritis, it’s best to get treatment as soon as possible.
    Symptoms of Arthritis:
    • Pain with motion and pain that flares up with activity
    • Tenderness when pressure is applied to the joint
    • Joint swelling, warmth, and redness, particularly after sitting or resting
    You may need surgery if your pain isn’t relieved by non-surgical treatment such as a regimen of ibuprofen, injections (steroids), physical therapy, weight loss, or custom orthotics-like shoe inserts or braces.
    Surgical Treatment:
    • Arthroscopic surgery (inserting a small instrument through a small opening) can help in early stages of arthritis by removing loose cartilage, inflamed tissue, and bone spurs from around the joint.
    • Fusion surgery fuses bones together using rods, pins, screws, or plates to hold the joint in a permanent position-fusing the bone over time and eliminating the joint.
    • Total Ankle Replacement surgery involves replacing the ankle joint with artificial implants after your doctor has removed the damaged cartilage and bone.
    Total ankle replacement is not as common as total hip or total knee replacement but advances in implant design have made it a great option for many people. Hope Orthopedics doctor Kelly McCormick was the first surgeon to perform a total ankle replacement in the state of Oregon.
    “People don’t even know that it exists, but it’s really common,” McCormick said. “The surgery itself takes a few hours to do. In some cases, it can be done on outpatient basis, but typically people spend a night in the hospital afterward.”
    Total Ankle Replacement is most often recommended for patients who have:
    • Advanced arthritis of the ankle
    • Arthritis that has destroyed the ankle joint surfaces
    • Ankle pain that interferes with daily activities
    Ankle replacement relieves the pain of arthritis and offers patients more mobility and movement than fusion.
    Determining the cause of your foot problem, whether it be bunions, or a type of arthritis is critical for finding out what treatment will work for you. Because they are Board Certified and Fellowship Trained Orthopedic Surgeons (meaning they’ve had extensive medical training plus specialty orthopedic training in foot and ankle from an accredited fellowship program) Orthopedic Foot and Ankle specialists Dr. McCormick and Dr. Zilkoski can quickly determine the cause of your pain and formulate the best treatment plan for your needs.
    Support your feet, and they’ll support you.

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