Saturday 16 July 2016

‘Text Neck’ Causing Arthritis


Heads down, people hunched over, their thumbs flying, working to type a message. But believe it or not, our thumbs aren’t hurting as much as our necks.
Doctors in North Carolina say they are seeing cases of “text neck” — which is a neck pain linked to too much texting.
Fox’s Natalie Wilson explains why millennials are really keeping those doctors busy.
Millennials love their phones. Texting these days is like a full-item job.
“I text every second I get.”
“I would say at least eight hours out the day.”
“I’m pretty much on my phone until I’m out for sleeping, so I’d have to say about 12 hours a day.” What? “Yeah. Like, I’m always on my phone.”
All those hours of texting are catching up with some millennials.
“We see them several times a week here in the clinic. Technology has played a large role in muscular, skeletal complaints.”
Doctors are seeing a number of “text neck” cases.
“We don’t see it as much with hand and thumb complains and things like that, but folks complain of neck pain pretty frequently.”
Angel Hernandez didn’t know there was an actual name for it, but can recall a time or two when he felt a strain.
“Usually I’m always texting, sometimes I get that pain right here in my neck. It kind-of hurt sometimes, so I just have to lift up my phone and look up,” Hernandez said.
“Most of the time, our generation, we’re looking at our phone all the time, so of course that’s going to put a lot of pain and pressure on our necks.”
A big health concern is that the posture associated with text neck puts pressure on the spine — possibly causing premature damage over time.
“For it to become a chronic injury, that has to occur several hours thought the day. We’re not seeing it in people who are doing it kind-of casually.”
“Definitely now, I’d try to modify. I don't want to get text neck.”
“If they can make a brace or something like a selfie stick where I can text like this way and keep my neck straight up, maybe I’ll avoid it. I don’t know.”

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