Thursday, 30 January 2025

How to Care for Your Hair and Skin With Arthritis


Columnist Lene Andersen shares tips for making your morning routine easier on RA-affected hands 

When rheumatoid arthritis (RA) causes joint changes and limited mobility in your arms and hands, you might have difficulty styling your hair, caring for your skin, and doing your makeup. One solution is to opt for a short, wash-n-go hairstyle and skip the skincare and makeup routine all togethera valid choice. But if you aren’t willing to part with your favourite foundation and perfect blowout, I have some beauty hacks that might help. This column will explore how RA has impacted my own beauty routine, discuss some of the ways I have adapted, and share tips on how you can, too.

There was a time in my life when I never left the house without makeup and my hair just so, dangling earrings catching the light, my outfit put together with thought and deliberation. It was a way to be seen in the world that often overlooked me because of my being in a powerchair. But more than that, it was about leaning into my identity as a woman, emphasizing my femininity in a body that contravened accepted beauty standards. Makeup and hair can be complicated, tangled up in social codes of behaviour. But when I, many years later, experimented with bold lipsticks, I learned that it can also be wonderfully simple: It makes us feel good about ourselves —and sometimes, that gives us the extra strength to tackle whatever challenges we face.

Once you’ve embraced these cosmetic routines, what happens when RA makes your shoulders hurt so much you can’t lift your arms to curl your hair, your fingers have trouble gripping an eyeliner, and your hands lose the flexibility for a seven-step skincare routine? When you have to consider giving up your favourite hairstyle, a smoky eye, or taking care of your skin, it can feel as if RA has won. That it has taken something so inherently part of your identity that you’re not sure who you are without it.

For me, the answer to my inability to reach the top of my head was a pixie cut, easy to maintain with help, of course, from my mother when I was younger, and now my attendants. Thankfully, it suits my face and my personality, and best of all, once towel-dried out of the shower, I don’t need deal with it the rest of the day. My makeup look has simplified to a smudged eyeliner, some mascara, brow gel, and a swipe of fun lipstick. When I choose to apply it, that is. I’ve become more comfortable leaving the house without my “face” on, a lesson taught by necessity and pain, then embraced firmly by convenience (and laziness). The answer has been low maintenance, not no maintenance. Even if I don’t wear makeup, I still moisturize my face and put on sunblock (yes, even in winter). It’s both a practical task (to reduce dryness and risk of skin cancer), and an act of self-care, taking a moment to make myself feel better in my body.

                                                                                GettyImages/Zorica Nastasic

These are some of the tools I’ve used to find a look that supports my self-esteem:

Get a haircut. The right haircut can make your life so much easier. Have a chat with your stylist about the movements that make you hurt and get their perspective on a cut that will fit you and be easy to maintain. Before you leave the salon, ask for a styling tutorial that respects your joints, as well as recommendations for products to keep your hair looking great.

Change your look and beauty routine. The next expert on your list is a makeup artist. Once again, discuss the moves that are hard for you to do, then work with them to develop a flattering look you can apply quickly (fast = easy on the hands). They’ll likely suggest products that can do more than one thing, such as this Benefit lip-and-cheek stainNARS the Multiple for lips, cheeks, and eyes, or this OneUp face cream that covers—count ’em—six purpose, including moisturizer, toner, and serum.

Use tools to extend your reach. If RA joint damage has restricted the reach of your arms, getting the right tool can make all the difference. A stand for your hairdryer can save you from twisting yourself into a pretzel to style your hair. Combine it with this long-handled brush and comb which has helped me reach the back of my head for the first time in decades.

Switch up your makeup tools. Out-of-the-box thinking applies to the tools you use for your makeup, too. If your grip or dexterity are affected by RA, find makeup brushes with thick handles that are easier to hold. As well, arthritis-friendly pencil grips help you hold a pen, so why not use them for similar-shaped sin eyeliners and thinner brushes, or choose a design specifically designed for chronic illness. If applying your makeup or face cream hurts your hands, thick-handled brushes can be used for face cream and sunblock, as well as your foundation.

As you try new looks, techniques, and tools, keep an open mind. It may not be possible for you to continue with the look you’ve always had. For instance, my hands don’t have the ability for detailed accuracy work, such as a liner flick at the corner of my eye, but I can create a killer smudged look—much more forgiving—with the Clinique Quickliner. Being open to change can lead you to new and exciting looks that you may not have considered before, like I discovered in my lipstick experiment. My hair and makeup may be simpler and less styled than they were when I was younger, but I’ve learned that a bold lip gives me a confidence I’ve never had before. A new and easier look might do the same for you.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

HealthCentral’s Stronger Body With RA Workout


Developed in partnership with Hospital for Special Surgery, this short series of moves specifically addresses your RA joint issues 

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is not a one-size-fits-all condition but if you’re among the 1.3 million Americans living with this autoimmune inflammatory disease, you know that symptoms like morning stiffness and chronic joint aches can come with the territory.

That doesn’t mean that you have to be sidelined from staying active—far from it. For many RA warriors diagnosed today, when the disease is caught in early stages, exercise is an essential ingredient in your care plan to keep symptoms from progressing.

“Taking a more holistic approach works well for those with RA,” says Elizabeth Schulman, M.D., an attending rheumatologist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. “Medication is definitely needed to help control inflammation and prevent joint damage. However, exercise is also essential, and early incorporation of an exercise program, either on your own or with a physical therapist or personal trainer, is imperative.”

To help you tap the benefits of daily movement, HealthCentral has partnered with the renowned Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) to bring you the RA-specific guidance you need to get going. Bookmark this spot and use it as your go-to fitness plan, including ten foundational exercises that help support joints commonly impacted by RA and tips for getting more movement into your routine.


The Benefits of Exercise for Rheumatoid Arthritis 

Though it might sound like the last thing you want to do when you’re in pain, if your body allows it, exercise will do you a world of good. “Most people with rheumatoid arthritis feel better when they’re active and worse when they’re not,” says Dr. Schulman. “Movement helps push the excess fluid [from swollen] joints and back into the circulatory system, decreasing pain and helping improve mobility. Activity also maintains muscle strength, which is essential for pain management and preserving muscle and joint function.”

A quick look at the science makes it clear just how potent physical activity can be with helping to tame RA symptoms. According to recent research published in the Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise, exercise increases mobility, reduces pain, improves sleep, betters the quality of life, and reduces disease activity in those with RA.

Additionally, “exercise strengthens your muscles, including the heart muscle, supports your bones, and protects your cardiovascular system,” says Dr. Schulman. She notes that this is especially important since having untreated RA also puts you at risk of other health issues such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and osteoporosis.

Maintaining your fitness can also keep weight gain in check, another important plus that will help you better manage RA. According to recent research, even light-to-moderate physical activity improved body composition and physical function in those with RA, and another study found that exercise helped reduce abdominal fat, and improved strength and overall health—without an increase in disease activity and pain.

And let’s not forget the mental boost you derive from making movement part of your routine. One 2024 scientific review of the connection between exercise and quality of life in people with RA found that moderate exercise improved their mental health, helping quell the anxiety, stress, and depression that can often come with this condition.

Inspired? The team at HSS has developed a simple exercise plan to help proactively take control of your RA symptoms.

The RA Workout

“I have noticed that those who stick to an exercise plan, even a low-level plan, have less frequent flare-ups—and when they do occur, they are less severe,” says Zachary Rogers, a doctor of physical therapy, board-certified orthopaedic clinical specialist, and certified strength and conditioning specialist at HSS in New York City.

Your first stop: Get guidance from your care team before starting a new exercise routine. “I recommend consulting your medical team or physical therapist about helping you develop a plan that is right for your specific needs,” Rogers says. “For example, someone with a knee or hip issue will be very different from someone with a wrist or spine issue.”

This workout, designed by Rogers, consists of five mobility moves and five strength moves that mainly target your spine, core, and lower body. “Remember, an exercise plan should be tailored to your individual needs, but I find these exercises to be helpful for most people with RA,” says Rogers. “When done regularly, this program can improve functional fitness, which translates to improvement with daily activities.”

If you’ve got the greenlight from your doctor, get started—and go at your own pace. “Listen to your body,” reminds Rogers. “Do as much or as little as is appropriate for you each day.” Your long-term goal? Two sets of 10 repetitions for each strength move. But if that is too challenging to start with, aim for two sets of 5 reps.

Supine Hip Flexor Stretch

Why it works: Here, you use gravity to your advantage, passively stretching your hip without excessive strain on the joint.
How to do it: Lying on back in bed, position yourself so that you are near the right edge of your mattress with your arms along your sides and your legs straight. Keeping your body stable, slide your right leg over and allow it to hang off the edge of your bed; your right knee can be straight or bent. You should feel a stretch in your right hip. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, then bring it back onto the bed. Repeat once or twice more. Switch sides, lying on back near the left edge of your mattress, and repeat with your left leg.
Number of reps: Three sets of 20- to 30-second stretches

Supine Hamstring Stretch

Why it works: This move stretches your hamstrings one at a time, allowing you to focus on each side individually. You might even notice that one side is tighter than the other, and can give it extra attention in the future.
How to do it: Lie on your back on the floor or in your bed with your knees bent and your feet flat. Extend your right leg directly above your right hip and grasp behind your right thigh with both hands. Slowly pull your right leg toward your chest, keeping it as straight as possible, and hold for 20 to 30 seconds when you feel a stretch. Return to the start. Repeat once or twice more. Switch sides and repeat with your left leg.
Number of reps: Three sets of 20- to 30-second stretches

Double Knee-to-Chest Stretch

Why it works: This move gently stretches your lower back and glutes without putting excessive pressure on your spine.
How to do it: Lie on your back on the floor or in your bed with your knees bent and raised above your hips (so that feet are off the floor). Wrap your hands around your knees and pull both knees gently toward your chest until you feel a stretch. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. Return to the start, rest briefly, then repeat once or twice more.
Number of reps: Three 20- to 30-second stretches

Lower Trunk Rotation

Why it works: Gravity works in your favour again with this move, gently drawing your legs toward the ground to stretch your trunk and back.
How to do it: Lie on your back on the floor or in your bed with your knees bent and your feet flat. Extend your arms out to the sides for stability, or cross them over your chest. Slowly lower your knees to the right, pausing when you feel a gentle stretch in your back. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, then return to the start. Continue, alternating sides, until you’ve done two or three stretches per side. “You don’t have to get your knees all the way to the floor,” says Rogers. “The goal is to feel a light stretch in the back, so only go as far as is comfortable for you.”
Number of reps: Three sets of 20- to 30-second stretches

Seated Calf Stretch

Why it works: Doing this move in a seated position allows you to stretch your calves without adding pressure on your feet and ankles.
How to do it: Sit tall on the floor or in your bed, with your back against a wall for more support. Extend your left leg on the floor in front of you and wrap a belt, towel, or even a pet leash around the ball of your left foot, holding the ends in each hand. Keeping your left knee straight, gently pull back on your left foot until you feel a stretch in your calf and hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Release and rest briefly. Repeat once or twice more, then switch legs, using the belt to stretch your right calf.
Number of reps: Three sets of 20- to 30-second stretches

Straight Leg Raise

Why it works: This exercise strengthens your hips flexors one at a time, helping stabilize your hips and strengthen your trunk.
How to do it: Lie on your back on the floor or in your bed with your arms along your sides, your left leg straight, and your right knee bent with right foot flat on the floor. Slowly raise your left leg until your left thigh is parallel with your right thigh. Slowly return to the start with control and repeat. Do 5 to 10 reps. Then switch sides, lifting your right leg, and repeat. Complete two sets per leg.
Number of reps: Two sets of 5 to 10 reps

Side-Lying Hip Abduction

Why it works: This move helps strengthen the outer hip and glute muscles, an area where many people are weak.
How to do it: Lie on your left side on the floor or in your bed with your hips and knees stacked and your legs straight. Extend your left arm and use it to cushion your head. Raise your right leg as high as you can without leaning forward or back, or tilting your pelvis. Slowly return to start with control and repeat. Do 5 to 10 reps. Then switch sides, lifting your right leg, and repeat. Complete two sets per leg. “You can also do this move standing,” says Rogers. “Some people like the standing version better, while others find it is too much stress on their joints.”
Number of reps: Two sets of 5 to 10 reps

Prone Hip Extension

Why it works: Your gluteal muscles are responsible for hip extension, and doing this move one leg at a time helps ensure equal strength between your two sides.
How to do it: Lie face-down on the floor or on your bed with your legs straight and together. Place your hands on the floor or bed under your forehead as a cushion, or extend your arms along your sides. Without allowing your hip to come off the floor, slowly lift your left leg as high as you can and pause. Return to the start with control. Rest briefly then repeat. Do 5 to 10 reps. Then switch sides, lifting your right leg, and repeat. Complete two sets per leg. “This move also can be done standing,” says Rogers. “Try both versions and see which you prefer.”
Number of reps: Two sets of 5 to 10 reps


Why it works: This exercise mimics a movement you do every day, and helps improve strength in your lower body and trunk.
How to do it: Sit on a sturdy chair or on the side of your bed with your feet flat and your arms at your sides. Keep your back straight as you lean forward slightly from your hips, then extend your hips and knees to stand all the way up. Sit back down slowly with control. Do 5 to 10 reps. Complete two sets. “If you need to, you can use your hands to help you get up for the first few reps, but make it your goal not to use your hands by the end,” says Rogers.
Number of reps: Two sets of 5 to 10 reps

Leg Extension

Why it works: This exercise strengthens the quadriceps of each leg individually, helping stabilize your knees for improved strength and balance.
How to do it: Sit on a sturdy chair or the edge of your bed with your feet flat on the floor. Slowly extend your left knee until your left leg is straight and hold briefly. Return to the start. Do 5 to 10 reps. Then switch sides, lifting your right leg, and repeat. Complete two sets.
Number of reps: Two sets of 5 to 10 reps

Your Pro-Active Workout Plan

You may know that the latest physical activity guidelines for adults call for a minimum 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise (or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise) plus two or more weekly sessions of strength exercises. But checking those boxes can look different for any adult, never mind if you also happen to be navigating a chronic condition like RA. “Any exercise plan should be individualized and tailored to each person,” stresses Rogers.

Still some structure is helpful, and these are the general guidelines Rogers likes to give his clients with RA, which you can discuss with your care team:

  • Do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise five days per week. “Low-impact activities that don’t put a lot of stress on your joints are best,” he says. “Swimming, using a stationary bike or elliptical trainer, and walking on a flat surface are all great activities.”

  • Stretch every day. “Mobility exercises can improve your range of motion and reduce pain and inflammation,” says Rogers. The stretches you do may differ from person to person, depending on the location of your flare-ups, but no matter which ones you choose, do them slowly and gently.

  • Strength train at least two to three days per week. “Again, choose movements that are low-impact that focus on large muscle groups to improve function as well as strength,” he says. Bodyweight exercises, free weights, or weight machines are all fair game, depending on your level of fitness.

  • Modify your activity when needed. “If you’re having a flare-up, listen to your body and do your best to work around it,” says Rogers. Consider fewer reps and sets and don’t be afraid to take a break and “use a heating pad or ice pack to calm down some of your symptoms,” he says. “Do what you can to keep active without exacerbating or worsening your flare-up.”

Now that you have a toolkit to help with incorporating exercise into your RA care, make sure you consult your medical team about your plans, and above all, feel confident that you’re “moving” toward a healthier future.

Unlike in generations past, for people with RA today, “when we treat early, implement lifestyle changes such as exercise, and find the right medication, people can go into sustained remission,” says Dr. Schulman. “It’s like they never had the disease, and that is the goal.”

Monday, 27 January 2025

Manage Osteoarthritis With These 8 Self-Care Strategies


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease that gradually wears down joint tissue, leading to joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. OA can affect any joint but most commonly affects the hips, knees, hands, neck, and lower back.

OA can impact nearly every aspect of your life, making daily tasks like walking up stairs and gripping objects painful. It can affect your ability to work, manage household chores, enjoy hobbies, and get a good night's sleep. 

Along with following your treatment plan, self-care is important in managing OA. Self-care means taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Here are self-care practices that may help your osteoarthritis:

1. Get Active

Staying active with osteoarthritis can be challenging due to the pain and stiffness caused by the condition. However, regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to manage OA symptoms and maintain joint health.

Without movement, joints can become stiffer, and muscles around them weaken. This can make daily activities even harder. Regular exercise can help manage symptoms and improve overall health and quality of life.

Staying active with OA can help:

  • Reduce joint pain and swelling
  • Improve joint flexibility 
  • Strengthen the muscles around your joints
  • Manage weight, which reduces pressure on joints
  • Support the health of cartilage and bone tissue
  • Enhance overall fitness and cardiovascular health

Aerobic activities, like walking, swimming, or cycling, are a great way to ease into physical activity if you haven't exercised in a while. Over time, adding resistance training helps build muscle strength and further reduces joint strain. Doing both types of exercise can ease joint pain and reduce stiffness.

Each week, aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, like brisk walking, or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, like jogging. You should do muscle-strengthening exercises twice a week for even better results.

The key to success is choosing activities you enjoy. Whether it's a group fitness class, yoga, or gardening, regular movement can help you live a more active life.

                                                                                                               MoMo Productions / Getty Images

2. Eat a Balanced Diet

​​What you eat can affect your osteoarthritis symptoms. A well-balanced diet can provide your body with essential nutrients, reduce inflammation, and support joint health.

One diet that may help with osteoarthritis is the Mediterranean diet. It emphasizes nutrient-dense foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins like fish and poultry, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats like olive oil. It can help reduce inflammation and OA symptoms.

The Mediterranean diet and other whole-food diets can supply your body with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients support cartilage and bone health, help maintain body weight, protect joint function, and potentially slow the progression of osteoarthritis.

A balanced diet emphasizing whole, unprocessed foods may also improve energy levels.

3. Consider Taking a Supplement

Dietary supplements can be a valuable addition to your OA management plan. Research findings on the effect of supplements on OA are mixed, though some evidence suggests certain supplements may help relieve common OA symptoms and support joint health.

Supplements that may help with OA include:

  • Glucosamine and chondroitin: Glucosamine and chondroitin are cartilage components that may protect and repair joint tissues. While some studies showed only mild symptom relief after taking the two, others suggest the combination may rival nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in lowering pain, stiffness, and swelling in knee OA. 
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D helps strengthen bones. Vitamin D supplements may improve joint pain in people with vitamin D deficiency. In people who are not deficient, vitamin D supplements likely won't relieve OA pain. 
  • S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM-e): SAM-e is a natural compound with pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects. Some research suggests it may be as effective as NSAIDs for managing OA symptoms, though other studies have shown no benefit. 
  • Curcumin: This is the most abundant compound in turmeric. Some evidence suggests curcumin may be as effective as Advil (ibuprofen) for relieving knee OA pain. 
  • Willow bark: Willow bark contains compounds similar to aspirin, so people have historically used it for pain and inflammation. While its effectiveness for OA is unclear due to mixed research results, some people find it helpful for managing symptoms. 
  • Undenatured type II collagen (UC-II): UC-II is a form of type II collagen, the structural protein found in cartilage. Evidence suggests that UC-II may reduce OA symptoms like pain and stiffness and improve joint function.

Before trying any supplement, talk with a healthcare provider. Some supplements can interact with medications you may be taking. A provider can let you know if the supplement will be safe and effective for you. 

4. Manage Weight

Maintaining the weight you and your healthcare provider decided was optimal for you is one of the best ways to manage osteoarthritis and improve overall joint health. Excess weight adds stress to your joints, particularly weight-bearing joints like the knees, hips, ankles, and spine—which can worsen osteoarthritis symptoms.

Losing even a small amount of weight can help osteoarthritis in the following ways:

  • Reduces pressure on joints: For every pound you lose, there is a fourfold reduction in pressure on the knees. Losing 10 pounds removes 40 pounds of pressure from your knees.
  • Eases pain: Research shows that weight loss leads to arthritis pain relief. One study found that losing 10–20% of body weight can significantly improve pain, joint function, and quality of life among people with knee OA.
  • Reduces inflammation: Fat tissue produces pro-inflammatory chemicals that can worsen arthritis symptoms. Weight loss lowers these fat stores, decreasing systemic (body-wide) inflammation.
  • Slows cartilage breakdown: Losing weight can protect joint cartilage. Research suggests that losing weight may reduce cartilage breakdown, slowing the progression of OA.

Weight loss and maintenance take time and perseverance, but they're one of the most effective ways to improve arthritis symptoms. If you have extra body weight, talk to a healthcare provider about losing weight—it could make a substantial difference in your OA management.

5. Prioritise Sleep

Around 70% of people with OA experience sleep disturbances, such as waking up throughout the night or having trouble falling asleep. Pain can interfere with a good night's sleep, and poor sleep can also intensify pain.

Research shows that sleep disturbances can raise pain sensitivity and worsen pain signals beyond what is typical for any joint damage you have. Over time, poor sleep can lead to or worsen depression, increase disability, and reduce your ability to manage daily activities, compromising your independence and overall quality of life.

Prioritizing sleep can improve pain management and mood and help you cope with the challenges of OA. For consistent, high-quality sleep, you can:

  • Maintain a consistent bedtime and wake-up time
  • Engage in calming bedtime activities, such as reading, meditation, or taking a warm bath 
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and large meals in the evening
  • Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and at a cool temperature
  • Avoid screen use at least 30 minutes before bed
  • Exercise regularly and eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation before sleep

6. Practice Pain Management Techniques

Managing pain is a key part of life when living with osteoarthritis. Pain management techniques for osteoarthritis include:

  • Heat therapy: Heating pads, compresses, and warm baths or showers can reduce joint pain and stiffness and increase range of motion. 
  • Meditation: This mind-body practice helps lower stress and inflammatory chemicals in the body. Regular meditation, such as mindfulness meditation or breathing exercises, can help relieve OA pain. It can also retrain the brain to lower its response to pain, offering long-term benefits. 
  • Stretching: Gentle stretches can improve flexibility and range of motion. It can also relieve tension in the muscles surrounding your joints. Stretching promotes blood flow to your joints, easing stiffness and reducing pain. Incorporate stretches targeting the muscles around your affected joints, such as hamstring stretches for knee OA or hip flexor stretches for hip OA.
  • TENS therapy: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy uses a small, battery-powered device to deliver low-voltage electrical currents to the skin. These currents stimulate nerves in the affected area, interrupting pain signals before they reach the brain. TENS therapy also encourages the release of endorphins, the body's natural pain-relieving chemicals. TENS therapy may help relieve joint pain in the knees, hips, or back, making it a useful tool for OA pain management.

7. Use Assistive Devices

When OA pain is intense, assistive devices can provide relief and help make daily tasks easier on your joints. Whether you need mobility support, tools to reduce strain during household tasks, or aids to make working or driving less painful, there are many options to consider:

  • Dressing aids: Items like zipper pulls, button fasteners, and long-handled shoehorns can help you get dressed while minimizing pain. 
  • Kitchen aids: Reachers (long-handed gripping tools) can help get items stored above or below you. Built-up handles and grips on utensils provide a more comfortable hold. Electric can openers and fixed jar openers offer quick, effortless access to canned and jarred goods. 
  • Bathroom aids: Tub bars and handrails can make getting in and out of the bath or shower safer. Faucet levers or tap turners can help if you have difficulty gripping. Raised toilet seats make it easier to sit down and stand up, reducing stress on your hips and knees.
  • Office aids: Adjustable-height chairs and desks encourage comfortable posture. Large-button phones and hands-free headsets make communication easier. 
  • Car aids: Devices like wide key holders or gas cap openers can make turning the car's ignition or fuelling much easier. 

8. Get Emotional and Social Support 

Between fear of movement due to pain, difficulty staying active, and feelings of anxiety or depression, osteoarthritis can make it hard to stay connected with others, increasing the risk of isolation. When managing a chronic condition like OA, social connections aren't just comforting—they're essential.

Research shows that people with chronic conditions and strong social support enjoy a better quality of life and experience fewer physical and mental effects of stress. Support can take many forms, such as a spouse helping with household chores, friends checking in regularly, or support groups providing advice and resources that make daily life easier. 

To build a support network, you can:

  • Reach out to a friend or family member for a chat or to meet up
  • Join an in-person or virtual group centred on an interest, such as a book club or hobby, or a support group for people living with OA 
  • Take a class through a local community program to connect with others who share your interests
  • Schedule regular activities with friends, like having lunch or walking together

When To Call a Healthcare Provider

While self-care can help manage osteoarthritis symptoms, it is also important to follow your treatment plan and maintain regular appointments with your healthcare provider.

If you have OA, contact your healthcare provider if you develop:

  • Severe or worsening joint pain 
  • Sudden inability to move or bear weight on the affected joint
  • New or worsening symptoms after starting a new exercise or treatment 
  • Difficulty sleeping due to pain 

A Quick Review

If you have osteoarthritis, self-care strategies can help you manage symptoms, maintain independence, and improve your quality of life. Self-care strategies can include regular exercise, a joint-friendly diet, and assistive devices.

Contact your healthcare provider if your symptoms worsen or prevent you from engaging in daily activities. They may suggest additional self-care strategies or changes to your treatment plan to help improve your quality of life.